Monday, October 20, 2008

Proposition 8

I have not given up on blogging completely.
The last several months have been a whirlwind for several reasons:
1) I received a small promotion at work and have had to work a lot of hours
2) The protect marriage movement that our church / Pastor Jim is heavily involved in. If Pastor is heavily involved then Tracy is neck deep in the same. Below is a recent you tube post that very clearly explains the current situation and what we're doing.

If history is any indicator, i will not be posting for another several months. So for the two of you who find it enjoyable to see my inconsistency, I will not disappoint.

Here is the video:

1 comment:

::athada:: said...

that video makes some of the legal ramifications clearer without using rude and alienating languge. unfortunately, I haven't always seen the same decency from Christians (eh-HEM DOBSON)